Pass the HPT – Take a Free Hazard Perception Test NSW

Improve your hazard perception skills and take the next step to upgrade your learner licence



NSW Roads & Maritime Services
  • Access free hazard perception practice tests online
  • Increase your odds of acing the HPT NSW
  • Tests are tailored for NSW residents
  • Practice HPT questions similar to the NSW HPT test

Get on the Right Track for the HPT NSW

It’s now easier than ever to pass the Hazard Perception Test in New South Wales. The secret? Practising before you sit the test. Our detailed practice HPT tests help you prepare in the most interactive way possible to pass the HPT on your first go.

Get ready to upgrade to the P1 licence. Practice the HPT with our free online tests.

How It Works

Making it Easy to Pass the HPT NSW

1 Test your Ability

Test your ability to identify hazards on the roads. The video-based practice test questions show common hazards and test your knowledge on how to respond to them.

2 Know What to Expect

The practise tests also help you understand what to expect on the HPT tests and prepare accordingly. So, no surprises when you go to sit the official NSW HPT.

3 Pass the HPT NSW

It’s time to take on the road because you can spot the hazards. Sit and pass your NSW Hazard Perception Test because you’ve prepared and you’re ready to pass.

Experience the Better HPT Online Prep Questions

It’s time to ace the HPT. Start prepping here with us.

Free HPT Practice Tests

It’s free to access and use our highly realistic hazard perception clips in our HPT practice tests.

Registration Not Needed

You don’t need an account or to register to access our free HPT simulations and questions.

Easy to Understand

We’ll help you pass. Like the real test, it’s intuitive and easy to practice on any smart device.

FAQs - Hazard Perception Test NSW

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the NSW Hazard Perception Test? Do I have to take it?

When can I take the Hazard Perception Test NSW?

How can I take the NSW HPT?

Why should you practice for the HPT?

It’s time to pass the NSW Hazard Perception Test

Click the button and start practising today.

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